Mothers and Infants Nurturing Together
2741 Avenue J.
Fort Worth, TX 76105
(817) 535 – 0853
Charlotte Smith, MINT Coordinator
*The MINT program is located on the same property as the Avenue J Residential Reentry Center, though the populations reside in separate buildings and do not mingle.
Service Area: The program serves incarcerated women across the United States who are chosen by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
- All clients are transfers from Federal Institutions.
- Non-violent offenders not considered a risk to abscond.
- must be pregnant prior to sentencing.
- The inmate must agree to actively participate in all components of the program.
- Referrals must be approved by the Warden and Community Corrections Manager.
- The maximum capacity is 15 women and their babies.
NOTE: Recommendations for the MINT Program are made by the Sentencing Judge. If the inmate is not an appropriate candidate for the program a letter will be written to the Judge indicating why the person is not eligible for the program.
Expectant mothers enter the program at about seven months into their pregnancy to prepare for the birth of their child by attending classes and registering for public aid programs.
After the birth of the baby, they spend the next three months building a bond with their child and making plans for separation.
When the client’s time is complete in the program, the child will be placed with an approved guardian, usually a family member or close friend of the client, and then the client will return to the Federal Bureau of Prisons to complete her sentence.