The Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program assists very low- income Veteran families residing in or transitioning to permanent housing. VOA Texas provides a range of supportive services to eligible Veteran families that are designed to promote housing stability.
Who and were we serve:
Tarrant Continuum of Care: Tarrant and Parker Counties
Dallas Continuum of Care: Dallas and Collin Counties
Eligible Participants:
- A member of a “Veteran family”: Either a Veteran; a member of a family in which the head of household, or the spouse of the head of household, is a Veteran. (Note: The head of household should be identified by the Veteran family.)
- “Very low-income”: Household income does not exceed 80% of area median income
- Currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness within the next 31 days
- Outreach
- Case management
- Short-term Emergency Housing
- Rental/Utility Assistance (Rapid-Rehousing or Homeless Prevention Programs)
- Assistance in Obtaining VA Benefits
- Guidance on Linkages to Benefits/Services
- Connections to Affordable Housing via Housing Counseling